An 18th century map of London with explanatory text.

An 18th century map of London with explanatory text.

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Nouvelle Carte du Gouvernement Civil, d’Angleterre et de celuy de la Ville de Londres. by Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684 – 1743)

by H.A.Chatelain, from: Atlas Historique; Paris, 1721.
copper engraved map with old colouring; overall size 43,5 x 50 cm; plate size 35 x 46,5 cm.
Very interesting map showing England, a plan of London and 2 allegorical depictions, with explanatory text in French about the civil government in England.
The Chatelain family is best known for its Atlas Historique which was published from 1705 – 1739 under various Chatelain imprints. The atlas covered the entire world; each map was surrounded by a comprehensive text explaining customs, government etc.
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Store Name: Angelika C. J. Friebe Ltd aka MapWoman

Contact Number: +441306877477

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